December 7, 2009


From my Novemeber 10th journal entry...

My eye is twitching and has been for two days straight. It's got to be one of the most annoying things! When I'm not working, I like to read and write or work on things for the non-profit- who am I kidding, I do this all at work, regardless- and well, these couple days in particular have been quite vexing because of this little deterrent. Ugh.

Stress, irritation of the cornea, fatigue or lack of sleep, prolonged staring at a computer screen or  and a nervous system disorder are some of the causes for blepharospasm (eye twitching). For some reason, whenever this in-frequent hindrance occurs, I always think, "drink water, you're probably dehydrated". Could be the case. Why do I always think that? I must have heard that somewhere before.... okay, let me go grab another glass and drink.

Not only did I do that, but I prayed too. What the heck else was I to do. The water wasn't working. As I was praying... I laughed at the realization of the irony that was my life at that moment; me, thinking I needed water to help my eye when really, I had been struggling in the last few days to do devotionals and spend time with God. My previous journal entries were either non-exsistant or short and un-great with no truth to them. Maybe my body was right- my nervous system signaling by means of my twitching eye, to my heart and soul that what I really was, was thirsty for Jesus.

How is it that a true believer in Christ can become a dry soul when Jesus promised that “but those who drink the water i give will never be thirsty again...”. (John 4:14)

I have said many times before..... "I’d rather have You in the desert before water."

But why aren’t we thirsty for God sometimes? Maybe it's because we drink from the world’s table little by little until our souls are full?

Jeremiah 2:13 summed up says this: my people have committed these sins against me. they're thristy, they want a drink, but they don’t drink the fresh, clean, pure water... they drink from sewer holes.

Maybe God is thinking, "When you drink my water, your thirst is not destroyed forever. If it did that, would you feel any need of my water afterward? That is not my goal. I do not want self-sufficient saints. When you drink my water, it makes a spring in you, a spring satisfies thirst, not by removing the need you have for water, but by being there to give you water whenever you get thirsty. Again and again and again and again".

Today, I pray that I come thristy to my own spring within myself... that I stay far away from the world's extravagant fountain that sparkles and so many times seems cooler and better tasting. Not only this, but I pray that the sasisfaction it brings will turn into contentment in every and all circumstance.

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