April 9, 2010


So I'm moving.

Heh. Okay, I can't lie. I'm not moving like you probably think. But I am moving this blog to WordPress.com- it has a new look and new feel so meet me there. You see, I have this problem with wanting to blog, tweet, update status' more but then I feel guilty for it or even just living my life gets in the way.... and I don't have time to experience something amazing or worth sharing and then whip out my laptop or phone to update. It's a problem. Especially since Lavego is such a huge part of my life and it's all about social networking!!! Ahhhhhh! So, in the meantime, I'm changing blog sites to maybe get a fresh outlook on it all.

Nevertheless, life continues on and for now, so will my blog. On WordPress. So far, I'm not completely ready to give up on the idea.

My New Blog