often times i look back and just give thanks for all i have learned through those experiences and from the people i've shared them with.
today, i was looking through some old pictures of my time in el salvador and found this picture of a women who i remember having eyes that smile Christ's love back at you. i was taken back to laboring along side her, her in her sunday best and me in my tank top and old basketball shoes, just being awed by her simplicity and authentic-ness. the fact that she could carry buckets full of sand and rock on the top of her head back and forth in a skirt was quite impressive alone. not only that, but this eloquent and quiet spirit was teaching me what it means to be beautiful.
when i found this picture today, i clicked to enlarge it and i just sat and remembered the realness of the place and people like her. surrounded by beauty, i remember being overwhelmed with a feeling of simple purity. this is a place God had laid his hand on many times before- He loves this place too. "blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom in heaven" popped into my head... "blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.... blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
"blessed" means more than happiness. laughter, pleasure, or earthly prosperity are not promised in this life. to Jesus, "blessed" means the experience of hope and joy, independent of outward circumstances. to find hope and joy, the deepest form of happiness, this woman and others there were following Jesus no matter what the cost. i remember that. through their quiet yet hard-working nature, i saw what it means to be beautiful. with not much variety, no floor in their homes or even having the option of different shoes for basketball and for church, i saw what it means to live simply and to still have joy.
i want to be more beautiful in Christ's eyes. i want to be filled. i want to be persecuted.... if it means i will inherit the kingdom. i want to be real like the character of this woman. maybe the "poor" really are not that poor... maybe they are more rich than we'll ever be here. she is the "poor"; blessed is this woman... this is the person God cares about and who He loves and has such excitement about. i feel blessed to have worked along side her in my small way- even if it is just to know and acknowledge today, while looking at her picture, what simplistic beauty really is.