March 29, 2009
Does Satan Exist?
March 28, 2009
What Do I Know of Holy?
March 23, 2009
Known By Our Love

March 7, 2009

March 1, 2009

this, i found interesting... i was as intrigued as skeptical to see what the inevitable spin would be. come to find out, Matthew Parris, the author, was born in africa and raised throughout the country, and was personally familiar with christian missionaries who often lived and worked in villages close to his own. link here
as a frequent contributor to The Times, he was asked to go to malawi to see the charity that the paper supports. in his first few paragraphs, Parris comments that: “. . . traveling in malawi refreshed another belief, too: one i’ve been trying to banish all my life, but an observation i’ve been unable to avoid since my african childhood. it confounds my ideological beliefs, stubbornly refuses to fit my world view, and has embarrassed my growing belief that there is no God.
“now a confirmed atheist, i’ve become convinced of the enormous contribution that christian evangelism makes in africa: sharply distinct from the work of secular NGOs, government projects and international aid efforts. these alone will not do. education and training alone will not do. in africa christianity changes people’s hearts. it brings a spiritual transformation. the rebirth is real. the change is good.”
reading that ignited myriad thoughts and questions, and for a brief moment, i sat in simple silence as i basked in God’s love for this man. can you just imagine?! the seeds that are being planted by these missionaries, obedient servants, and the authentic loving followers of Christ will most likely be unknown to them. what's so propitious is that God is using this man, who chooses not to believe, to ignite someone like little old me, to be encouraged. i am encouraged to love authentically and not only that but to pray that i am able to show authentic love to those standing in line at the grocery store, neighbors i meet in the elevator in my apartment, and the people of this city. “an observation i have been unable to avoid since my childhood” is nothing short of the gracious, patient and relentless love of a real God gently knocking on the door of his heart waiting to be invited in. the “spiritual transformations” he has witnessed and has humbly admitted to, despite his own personal belief to not believe, must be speaking louder in the halls of his heart than he realizes. he goes on to say that the change and impact that christianity has brought to so many people, tribes and nations throughout africa is undeniable and is worthy of recognition. he remarks that “only the severest kind of secularist could see a mission hospital or school and say the world would be better without it.” i am encouraged by this because God is still seen and reflected in and through the lives of all His children.
despite the turbulent circumstances that plague our world, the love and light of Christ is recognized. i am encouraged to see that the Word is in fact living, active and true.